We are a group of experienced information technology specialists. We are multi talented, polyglots and eager to put our skills to your service. We have come together to found this house to interface with you. Furthermore, we provide state-of-the-art service and your satisfaction is our aim. Therefore, we only request payment after you confirm we have solved your issue. Although we are multi skilled, we focus on the following areas of information technology:
About section - Software development: We provide an affordable and reliable custom software development services. We engineer for the web, the cloud, the mobile or cross-platform. Not only that, but we are not only fast and cheap, but we also provide a quality made in Germany.
About section - Digital Transformation: Would you like to improve how you operate and deliver value to customers? Do you want to boost your benefit or reduce costing using information technology?. You are at the right house, let us take a look at your business and operation, we are sure we can increase your revenue by leveraging the power of IT.
About section - UI Design & UX Modeling: We have great designers experienced to sketch your User Interface and model your product User Experiences. We are ready to listen to you and the problem you would like to solve. We work with modern, iterative and collaborative tools. Let's put a spark in your customer journey!
About page - Automated Software Testing: Catching bugs before they infest your software and operation is our affair. We wield modern tools such as Playwright, Selenium, Cypress and others to assert whether your software is ready for production. Ensuring your product meet design standard and fulfil defines requirements is something that we do daily.
About section - Data Sciences & Analytics: Do not hesitate to get in touch with us if you would like to have meaningful insight in your data. Our analytic service is state-of-the-art and eager to help. If you want to collect data that can help your business or organization to perform better, our data sciences service is also there to walk with you.
To achieve excellence, we harness the software development life cycle. This consist of 6 industry established steps that ensure excellence. At each steps below, we always ensure that the output of our work is always with your need. We do not hesitate to go one or multiple steps backward to ensure you are satisfied. This is how we do it!
Process section - Feasibility Studies: During this stage, we establish whether conditions are right to implement your project. We will find out if the Technical, the Economic, the Legal, the Operational feasibility of your project can be précised. Lastly, we define with you a Schedule for your software development that befit your needs.
Process section - Requirement Specification: Here, we describe what your software will do and how it will be expected to perform. All user and stakeholder needs are fully specified in a document that will be used to evaluate the software at the end. This document can also be in spoken form or interactive to speed up your product development.
Process section - Design and Modeling: This is where we produce the architectural diagrams, sketches and model the User Interface of your project. The documents produced here are used by our engineers as a plan to implement or code your software. These documents can be share with you if wish or require it.
Process section - Implementation: At this step, the design and model with produced in the previous stage are transformed into computer language. In short, our engineers write code that will give live your software. Accent is put on code quality and the complete fulfilments of each requirement.
Process section - Quality Assurance: This is where we our quality assurance engineers verify that your software meets the requirements defined before. We usually automate this process by running you software with various test data and scenarios. Then we work together to validate that each users requirements is fulfilled.
Process section - Deployment and Handover: This is the final stage of the process. The software is handed over. We stay with you in predefined period of time to monitor the product. If you required installation and training, we gladly provide it. We also provide maintenance planning if asked, as well as future development if required.
We are always listening and ready to craft a tailored solution for you. Please do not hesitate to give us a call or send us an SMS. If you prefer an email, please fill up the contact form below. We look forward to hearing you or reading your message.
Contact section - Review your request or message: We will read your message and examine your need tidily. If required, will draft a solution for you and then reply to your message.
Contact section - Schedule a meeting: We customarily schedule a meeting with you to get deeper details on your need or present our proposal to you if we have any. The meeting could be online, over the telephone or in physical location of your choosing.
Contact section - Start crafting a solution: If everything goes well in our contact meeting, we will kick-start your project as described in the process section above.